Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Bean, reporting for duty

Aku mule main gitar mase kat skola asrama taun 1997 kot, mase aku form 2. Macam isap rokok gak la, main gitar pon pengaruh kawan gak. Aku tak tau nak start cammana, but kawan aku kate Kurt Cobain is good. So aku pon beli la satu gitar acoustic ngan Nirvana Live songbook. That’s how it began, tak berguru. :(

But I picked it up quickly. My technical knowledge quickly grew better than most other guitar players in my school, even those who’ve played longer than me (my seniors). I guess what set me apart from them was that I actually liked learning fundamentals, not just songs. I liked spending time learning music theory and guitar techniques on my own.

Seinggat aku, first time aku try cari lagu was ACAB’s “Fight for Your Right” when I was 15. I didn’t like that song. Lirik dia cam cibai. Skinhead Melayu? That’s just dumb. That’s like black people in Africa forming their own chapter of KKK. Anyway, other kids in my school loved the song. They liked playing in on the guitar, but no one knew how to play the solo. I found it really obvious. The first half of the solo is just 1-2-3, 2-3-4, 3-4-5… pattern in G Major scale, and the rest is just a few notes from the same scale. So I taught some friends and seniors how to play it. But that was it. I didn’t bother learning any other music by ear at the time.

Lepas skola menengah, sebelum aku gi US, probably in 2002, kawan aku introduced aku to GuitarPro3. I found it awesome. Ye la dulu-dulu aku nak blaja lagu best-best kena beli buku. Skrg download jek. Pastu GP boleh playback plak tu. Boleh slow kan, etc. Nice!

Aku pon try la cari tab lagu Another You by Karl Cromok online. Ade la dalam dua tige tab aku jumpe. Mase tu jek la source yang boleh diharap. But tab-tab yang aku jumpe semua tak memuaskan hati aku. Some of them have completely wrong notes. It’s extremely obvious, especially when the note is long. But that’s not surprising. A lot of people don’t know how to play the song correctly. Mase skola dulu pon ramai gak bebudak main lagu ni, but none of them did it right.

So armed with my RG390gx (pretty much my only guitar until today), I decided to make my own tab, and show my fellow amateur Malaysian guitarists how to play it like the original recording. I released my first version (on GP3) in 2002 on under the name BeanKanan. The download count quickly surpassed other tabs of the song made by other people. I realized that my talent wasn’t so much playing the guitar. I’m a better transcriber/tabber.

Soon after that, in Summer of 2003, I released a revision (on GP4) along with a short video tutorial. I spent many many hours refining my tab to make it sound as close as possible to the original recording. I had listen to the song way too many times in the process that after that I rarely listen to the song anymore. Sampai muak orang kate.

That was the only full tab that I made from scratch that I ever released. I am extremely proud of it. I’m still getting positive feedback from people about it to this day. It probably still is the best tab of the song you can find out there. Unfortunately, because I may have set the bar too high for myself on that one, and devoted too many hours on it, that I never released anything anymore after that. I made a few tabs after that that were never finished, but I didn’t even dare to share it with anybody.

Mase kat U pon busy gile, sampai tak cukup mase nak main gitar. I’ve quit playing guitar so many times after that, which explains why I’m still not as good as someone who’s been playing for 12 years.

Taun lepas aku post satu video kat youtube. Pendek gile. Aku cari kejap pastu record. Saje nak tengok kalo ade orang yang interested. If I could find 10 people who like it I’d be happy. And yes, I did find that and a few more.

But I just had to wait another year to do more. Part of it was because I suddenly got a lot of responsibilities at work. Part of it can be blamed for my laziness. But most importantly, I was anxious, for some reasons I really don’t know.

But that’s enough. I’m done being a quitter. I wanna make tabs again. That’s my talent, it will benefit some people, I’m not gonna waste it. I probably won’t be making complete tabs after this, I won’t be able to top my previous work, but I’ll keep doing it. I’ll keep sharing it, with those who still love Rock Kapak. And yes, unlike popular western music, Rock Kapak scene still lacks quality tabs. So I’m gonna do my part, and hopefully help others learn the art too.

To those who’ve been showing me sincere support all this time, I really thank you. I owe you guys big time. I hope you’ll still like my work.


  1. yaaawwwwwww
    dah lama ak cari blog macam ni. Errr tak pa kot kalau panggil hg aku saja xP . Ok pertama sekali aku amat berminat dengan blog ini. Puas aku cari blog yang macam ni tapi tak jumpa. Ok sejujurnya aku ingin mendalami lagi pasal gitar ini. Kalau nak ikut dari mata kasar memang lah kawan-kawan aku kata aku pro tapi sejujurnya aku masih lagi di tahap Noob. Aku memang berminat nak belajar teori pasal gitar ni tapi taktau nak belajar kat sapa. Kalau nak masuk kelas memang tak dapat laa.

    Ok pertama sekali errr boleh tolong ajar tak apa itu scale??? Kenapa ada banyak sangat???? Macam kalau aku tengok dalam lain dan kalau tengok dalam buku lain. Boleh tolong terangkan tak macam mana orang buat solo berdasarkan scale . Harap dapat reply comment ni ^_^

  2. hmm, first off aku suggest ko cari buku theory. but buku theory usually is quite general, and maybe keyboard oriented. aku skrg tengah baca buku ni.

    this one is tailored for guitar. it's not too deep, so i think it's good for people new to music theory.

    scale pulak, memang ade banyak. but aku suggest jangan overwhelmed by the number of scales out there. yg paling penting kena blajar dulu ialah Major and Minor. bile dah paham baru blajar modes. and then only belajar scale scale exotic yg lain. there's a lot to learn about major and minor. contoh-contoh goreng yg aku tab kan ni mostly on major or minor jek.

    buat solo plak, i'd say first look at the chord progression. try follow root note chords tu. and then try tambah note lain dalam key tu.

    one of the reasons aku buat tab lagu-lagu rock malayu ni is that most of the time, it's in major or minor scale/key. that way kite boleh tengok contoh cammana structure solo dorang.

  3. ok secara asasnya aku sudah tahu major dan minor scale. Tapi selepas itu apa yang harus aku belajar??????

    btw mcm mana nak dapat software sonar 8 ??? Dulu aku pernah guna tapi dah terfomat pc hilang habeh semua hahahaha
