It’s been a very busy few weeks. Actually aku plan nak take a break for a couple of months, we’ll tell y’all later. And before that aku plan nak teach a bunch of things. Aku plan nak release satu short TAB soon, and a short lesson on it. But before that, kena belajar pasal rhythm dulu.
So, ni aku nak aja sket pasal rhythm kepada sesape yang tak tau lagi. Please read it. I spent so many hours developing it. I had to, I think it’s is really important. Dengan artikel ni aku letak dua video. Salah satu video tu aku tunjuk cammana nak practice dengan metronome.
Untuk yang tanya pasal asal-usul chords, sorry I haven’t got the time to finish it yet. Baru siap half way jek.
bang..tima kaseh byk2 la sbb sudi bagi tenaga, masa dan apa2 saja la yg bro korbankan nak wat benda ni..tgk pun dah tau bkn senang..ajar dengan simple dan proper..teruskan usaha dan jangan pernah berhenti...
ReplyDeletethank you so much bro atas effort yang kau buat. i'm working on my beat and rhytm now. kalau sebelum ni aku main tibai je, now aku nak belajar main ikut rythm n' beat. thank you atas penjelasan yang super detail bro.
ReplyDeleteCorey Taylor
thank you thank you. ha ha, buat article ni, buat dua video tu, buat TAB baru, buat video lagi satu (to be released today), minggu lepas aku tetiap ari makan nasi putih ngan ayam goreng jek. sedih sedih. :P it's ok, I enjoy teaching.
ReplyDeletewell basically, bile ko practice ngan metronome, ko practice main note note different value, precisely, accurately, consistently.
but kalau nak jam ke, just feel the beat. feel the groove. and play whatever you want with it, what you feel. toksah pikir sangat pasal eighth notes la quarter notes la. i'd say that if you have enough practice with the metronome, it'll come naturally. you'll more likely to naturally play in good rhythm, even on the spot, even without really thinking about it.
askm..abg nk minta abg faizal mainkn lagu hotel california..blh? nti taggedkn video dkt
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